
Whiteflies on Your Marijuana Plants?
We all know virtually all plants are victims of pest and diseases of including marijuana plant. Whiteflies are hemipteran insects of the Aleyrodidae genus that...

Thrips Worms on Your Cannabis Plant?
Have you noticed a tiny bug on your plants that looks like worm? If yes! Then probably thrips have invaded your garden. Thrips are terrible...

How to Rid your Cannabis Crop of Aphids
Aphids were first discovered on cannabis earlier 2016 in the north America and since then has spread all over the farms in the states. But...

Common Cannabis Pests and Diseases
Just like any other crop cultivated, from the time you plant the seeds, to the time you harvest the flower, cannabis is subject to a...

10 Quick Cannabis Post-Harvest Tips
It takes months of hard work to prune and train plants before they are ready to be chopped and processed for flower or concentrates. Depending...

Detailed Approach to Harvest Cannabis – Contd.
How to cut the Stalk Hemp Stalks is robust and furry, trimming scissors might not be a good option at this stage. However, Pruning Shears...

Detailed Approach To Harvesting Cannabis
In one of our previous articles, we’ve discussed how weed growers know when to harvest their plant. Harvesting cannabis isn’t quite like harvesting edible crops....

Tips On When To Harvest Your Cannabis?
Harvest time is the most rewarding and exciting aspect of cultivating cannabis for many growers. After months of witnessing your plants slowly morph from seedlings...

Growing Industrial Hemp
Evеn wіth nо рun іntеndеd іt іѕ hаrd tо іgnоrе thе thrіvіng buѕіnеѕѕ environment ѕurrоundіng thе рrоduсtіоn аnd ѕаlе оf mеdісаl mаrіjuаnа. Mеdісаl mаrіjuаnа іѕ...

Medical Marijuana: Help for some Ailments
September 2019 By Eve Jones Medical Marijuana: Help for some Ailments Mеdісаl mаrіjuаnа іѕ thе nаmе gіvеn to thе саnnаbіѕ аnd саnnаbіnоіdѕ thаt are rесоmmеndеd...