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  • Tanvir Hossain


Medical Marijuana and Its Many Uses

Medical marijuana is created of dried components of the cannabis plant. Humans have turned thereto as a seasoning remedy for hundreds of years, and these...

Health Benefits of CBD and THC

THC is the primary psychoactive segment of the cannabis plant. As it were, THC is the essential operator in charge of making the ‘high’ related...

Top 5 Popular Cannabis Strains

Cannabis is presently a billion dollar business worry in America and with lawful utilization comes smash hit records and ever higher review products. With quick...

CBD Provides Pain Relief for Pets

One of the foremost troublesome elements of owning a pet is seeing your furred friend in pain or distress. Pets will suffer several of constant...

What is CBD Oil?

CBD OIL Cannabidiol (CBD) may be an ordinarily happening compound found within the adhesive flower of cannabis, a plant with an expensive history as drugs...

Cannabis and Its Benefits

Cannabis – Pre-Workout Supplement Cannabis has perpetually been recognized for its calming, quiet and euphoric results called weed, dope, pot and bud, the leaves of...

CBD vs THC – A Vital Topic

Cannabis or Hemp is one of the most popular recreational and medicinal drugs around the world. As the legalization of cannabis is increasing, people are...

Using Cannabis For ADHD

September 2019 The use of Cannabis is becoming common in the medical field. Cannabis is being used as a natural therapy for several health issues...

Cannabis for Pain Relief

Nowadays, Chronic pain is affecting more people than cancer, heart disease, and diabetes combined. So, an effective and safe treatment is needed. Cannabis has the...

Cannabis for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome)

September 2019   By Tanvir Hossain Cannabis for PTSD What is PTSD? PSTD is one of the most hated psychiatric disorder caused by noise, life...
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